• 永冬

    Christmas 1944. Soviet soldiers invade Hungary and drag every young woman with German origins away from a small village and transport them to a Soviet labor camp where they are forced to work in the coal mines under inhuman conditions. This is where Irén, one of the Hungarian women, meets Rajmund who decides to teach her how to survive. While she is determined to return home to her little daughter and family, history and fate have a different plan: Irén and Rajmund fall in love.
  • 在严父干涉之后,13岁女孩莉莉放生了爱犬哈根使之成为流浪狗。之后想重新找回爱犬的莉莉会发生怎样的故事呢?《白色上帝 White God》片名致敬了《白狗 White Dog》,拍摄过程中使用了创纪录的274只狗,这些狗大多来自流浪动物救助中心。《白色上帝》首映于2014年戛纳电影节一种关注单元,获得了该单元最高奖一种关注大奖。
  • 自殺不成的老婦人,屢次從頂樓一躍而下卻無法如願以償,只好再次跛腳步上公寓頂樓。每經過一層樓,便經過一段光怪陸離。七層樓,七種人生樣貌,詭異至極、毫無邏輯,以黑色幽默之姿一窺當代生活,笑看人性的虛偽及庸俗,笑到最後卻忍不住心底發毛。匈牙利導演喬治帕爾菲二○○二年初試啼聲,便以處女作《田園風光》一炮而紅。其後的《百年癲狂》更顯瘋狂不羈,在坎城引發熱議。擅於揉合奇想與創意,以魔幻寫實著稱的喬治帕爾菲,新作《公寓瘋光》影像同樣奇幻詭譎,戲劇調度與剪輯美學更貼近夢境囈語。從喜劇、科幻到神話,從歡笑、驚悚到恐懼,在風格迥異的七部短片裡,導演也展現其對不同類型的遊刃有餘。