• With their different approaches, these versatile comedians complement each other perfectly and bring outside perspectives to the stage.
  • It’s never too late to make a change in your life. Attilio, Giorgetto, and the “Professore,” three retired men from Rome, are tired of their daily struggle; they dream of escaping to someplace exotic. They begin to save up the necessary money but it’s hard to break their habits. Di Gregorio continues his story of harmlessly eccentric men. With him, Giorgio Colangeli and Ennio Fantastichini in his last, very dynamic performance.
  • Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day, which transforms Wazim into Manavalan Wazim, the internet sensation he is today. The fact that his bride was Beepaathu, an even bigger internet celebrity, only makes things worse. The Police S.I, Regi Mathew, who now believes his only shot at redemption and going back to normal is through a fist fight to the end with Wazim. As both men gear up for the final brawl, Wazim must also fight the fight of winning back the heart of his lost love and once bride, Beepaathu.
  • 在一所严格的女子学校发生了一场神秘的大火,火势无法控制。现在每个人的疑问是:这是意外,还是有人纵火?
  • 2018年全美音乐奖颁奖典礼在洛杉矶举行。带来开场表演的“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特不仅凭借《Reputation》获得全美音乐奖最佳流行/摇滚专辑以及年度巡演大奖,更最终捧回年度艺人大奖。“卡妹”卡米拉·卡贝洛也首次斩获两座AMA奖杯——她不仅拿下年度新人,还凭借大热单曲《Havana (feat. Young Thug)》获得最受欢迎流行/摇滚歌曲;“萌德”肖恩·蒙德兹则获得成人抒情最受欢迎艺人等。 玛丽亚·凯莉一袭玫粉裙抒情表演了新单曲《With You》,发挥稳定;最受欢迎说唱艺人卡迪·B联手Bad Bunny和J Balvin首演新单《I Like It》;萌德也联手Zedd首演混音新单《Lost in Japan》。除此之外,美国独立摇滚乐团Panic! At The Disco也在颁奖礼上登台,翻唱那首著名的摇滚金曲《波西米亚狂想曲》,向皇后...
  • 今年的公告牌颁奖典礼将于5月1日在拉斯维加斯的米高梅花园体育馆举行,Kelly Clarkson将作为主持人回归。饶舌女歌手Cardi B获得21个奖项提名,刷新美国公告牌BBMA大奖史上“女性艺人单次颁奖礼收获提名最多”这一新纪录。另有Ariana Grande获得了 最佳公 告牌百大单曲榜艺人、最佳社交艺人等9项提名。Mariah Carey将被授予“Icon Award”偶像大奖,同时也会带来她的大热金曲串烧表演。