• 炽爱

    烈火可以烧尽一切邪恶 但爱比烈火更为致命职场新秀克莱尔泳池偶遇美女伊芙,遂展开一段浪漫情缘,然而当有一天她在其老板的派对上与伊芙再度重逢,却发现对方的身份并非那么简单。不久后她又被卷入了其老板的谋杀案之中,原来她早已身在局中.....
  • When Maggie Marks faces a tough career decision, she flees to Europe for some soul searching and sightseeing with a friend. There she encounters a handsome European playboy prince, and lands herself in a world she has never known where she finds a new direction in life, while teaching him to be a better prince along the way.
  • 两名顶级杀手各为其主,双方进行了多次较量,但他们亲人的惨死使得他们开始冷静思考自己的未来,并最终两人成为惺惺相惜的好友,并联手对付那些凶残的敌人。
  • 时钟
